Alkohol eta barre artean (Rotten XIII)

Euskal Karaokeen bilduma, KARAOKETEKA: ROTTEN XIII - Larraga, Tafalla (Basque Country) "Alkohol ta barre artean" abestia Rotten Amairu-ren "Oi! Baldorba" lehen diskatik hartuta. Grabazioa, edizioa eta produkzioa: Oier Araiz. 2018. urtean Berlingo K19an eta Tafallako Gaztetxean hartutako irudiak. Canción "Alkohol ta barre artean" de Rotten Amairu tomada de su primer disco "Oi! Baldorba". Grabación, edición y producción: Oier Araiz. Imágenes tomadas en 2018 en el K19 de Berlin y el Gaztetxe de Tafalla. "Alkohol ta barre artean" song taken from Rotten Amairu's debut album "Oi! Baldorba". Recording, edition and production by Oier Araiz. Images taken during 2018 in Berlin´s K19 and Tafalla´s "Gaztetxe". Bandcamp: Facebook: Contact: Letra: Denbora dezente pasa da jada elkar ezagutu genuen egun horretatik. Munduak gutxinaka jaten gaitu, baina gu mundua jateko gosez gaude oraindik. Zenbat amets geratu zaizkigun bidean, egunerokotasunaren atzean. Ta beste behin, astean zehar lanean biltzen joan garen amorrua alkohol artean itoko dugu. Ta berriz elkartuko gara pote bat hartzeko tabernaren batean. Kristonak botako ditugu besteei buruz alkohol ta barre artean. Alkohol ta barre artean! Berandu da atzera bueltatzeko, baina goizegi da oraindik amore emateko. Rock and rollak batu gintuen, baina orain heriotzak bakarrik gaitu bereiziko. Zenbat amets geratu zaizkigun bidean, egunerokotasunaren atzean. Ta beste behin, astean zehar lanean biltzen joan garen amorrua alkohol artean itoko dugu. Ta berriz elkartuko gara pote bat hartzeko tabernaren batean. Kristonak botako ditugu besteei buruz alkohol ta barre artean. Alkohol ta barre artean! Ta noizbait ohartuko gara aspergarria dela horrela ibiltzea. Gure amorrua mozokor bihurtzeko, askoz hobe genuela borrokatzea. Borroka da bidea! Lyrics: AMONG ALCOHOL AND LAUGHTER It has been long time since the day we met each other the world is eating us little by little, but we are still hungry to eat the world How many dreams were left on the road behind the daily routine? And one more time we will drown the rage we have piled up during the week in alcohol. Once again, we will gather to have a drink in some bar. we will say all bullshit about people we dont like, among alcohol and laughter It's already late to go back but it's still early to give up The rock'n roll has united us and now only the Death will separate this. How many dreams were left on the road behind the daily routine? And one more time we will drown the rage we have piled up during the week in alcohol. Once again we will gather to have a drink in some bar, we will say all bullshit about people we dont like among alcohol and laughter And someday, we will realize this way of life is boring, becoming our rage in drunk nights. Much better is to fight! Fighting is the way! Euskal musikaren txokoa karaoke formatuan. Basque music
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